Inventory Blur
A simple Fabric mod for Minecraft 1.20.5+ that applies the new menu background blur to Inventories such as chests, the player inventory, etc.
All my Mods for Minecraft Java Edition.
Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac
A simple Fabric mod for Minecraft 1.20.5+ that applies the new menu background blur to Inventories such as chests, the player inventory, etc.
A simple, vanilla-like mod that adds vertical slabs to Minecraft.
Adds particles to more interactions in the game such as placing blocks or stripping logs
Fixes the horizontal camera lag when riding an entity, fix for MC-259512
A simple, survival-friendly way to make Item Frames invisible!
A simple mod that makes falling blocks emit particles, similar to block breaking particles, when floating or when on a non-full block.
Removes the directional damage tilt from the client, essentially bringing MC-26678 back into the game
Third Person Nametags is a mod for Fabric that makes your nametag render in third person and in inventories.
A simple, vanilla-like mod that adds BetterEnd vertical slabs to Minecraft.
A Fabric mod for Minecraft that adds music by C418 to the game in the form of music discs.